Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sidewalk Art Contest Coming

The Friends of the Pleasant Valley Library are adding a new event to this year's Pleasant Valley Days, the annual celebration in the hamlet that includes a parade and displays at Cady Field.  On Saturday, September 17 (rain date September 18) the Library Friends are staging a fundraising contest for the best sidewalk chalk art.  
Entry forms are available at the Pleasant Valley Library now—ask at the desk. Participants may bring their own pavement chalk or can accept chalk from the contest sponsors.  Each artist will be assigned a sidewalk square in Redl Business Plaza (next to the post office).  On Saturday the sidewalk drawing will take place between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., after which the art will be judged in three categories--Junior High, Senior High, and Adult.  If on Sunday, the sidewalk art can be completed between 8:00 and 12:00 to finish before the Pleasant Valley Days parade.  
The winners will receive prizes donated by local merchants.  Because this is a fundraiser for the Library, entrants will be charged a (tax-deductible) fee--$5 for Junior High, $8 for Senior High, and $10 for Adult. The profits will be used to purchase supplies or materials for the Library that are not included in the basic Library budget. All drawings will remain on the sidewalks until rain and sunshine erase them.

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