Monday, April 20, 2009

Big Book Fair This Weekend

The annual Pleasant Valley Free Library Book Fair starts on Friday, April 24 at Traver School, Traver Road (just opposite the back of St. Paul Episcopal Church) at 7:00 pm.  Friday night the Fair charges $5 for admittance, mainly because that is when the used book dealers come to get first crack at all the good books. Normally you will see them lined up about 6 or 6:30, eager to get in.  Sometimes if we are completely set up or even nearly so there is no holding them back, and the Book Fair opens a few minutes early.

If you want to come Friday night, but don't want to pay for it, we let the volunteer workers in free.  Volunteers start moving boxes of books from the basement of the Library to Traver School about 3:30 or 4 on Friday.  Other volunteers at the school begin to sort the books onto tables of Fiction, Science, Self-Help, Mysteries, Travel, etc. (boxes come labeled) as soon as the first ones show up at the school, probably about 4:15.  Let Barb Shapley know that you want to work and she will give you a pass to get you into the Fair when it starts.

When it comes to the Book Fair, as is the case with the Library, "It's Not Just Books."  Friday night and for the run of the Fair, there will be a plant sale, nearly all perennials for an outdoor flower garden.  Well over 100 plants will be available.  Starting Saturday morning there will be a bake sale, which always features great stuff by the bake sale guru, Betty Laurenson, and other Library friends.  The Building Expansion committee will have a table all during the Fair and sell 50-50 raffle tickets to help raise money for--you guessed it--building expansion.

The Fair will run from 10 to 3 on Saturday and from 9 to 12 on Sunday.  Although what someone thought was a best book may be gone on Friday, what you think is the best book may still be available on Sunday.  Late in the sale, there are always terrific bargains.

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