Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Some Recent Events (and Coming Attractions)

The annual Book Fair is over, and it was perhaps the most successful ever, raising over $4,000 from the book, plant, and bake sales that will go to Friends of the Pleasant Valley Library.  At this point they still expect to spend most of that money on safety issues for the Manse. The Building Expansion Fundraising Committee, nicknamed FREB, sold 50-50 raffle tickets. The prize was won by bake-sale operator Betty Lorentzen.  Each share was $69.50, an amount that directly went to the Building Expansion Fund.

FREB also produced a second appeal for funds that was snail-mailed to each family in Pleasant Valley, including Salt Point. The reason for a new letter was that the previous one, about six months ago, did not identify the Library on the outside of the flyer, so many potential donors failed even to open it.  The new one featured the new logo on the front and back, so we expect that more will take the time to read our message. The easy way to donate is online, but checks and cash are accepted as well. 

On May 2, FREB conducted its second Library tour, with this one directed to members of the Town Board and the trustees of the Presbyterian Church.  Daniela Pulice and Steve MacNish did a great job of leading the tour and the explanation of the building plans. The tour concluded with a free interchange of ideas over wine and cheese (and cranberry juice for the nondrinkers). 

The next event coming up will be phase two of the plant sale. This will mainly feature disease-resistant, unusual, and cherry tomato plants, although there are expected to be some perennials on sale as well. All plants are just $1.  The sale starts on May 18 in the Reading Room, although we hope to bring it outside on the front lawn if the weather cooperates.


1 comment:

Sally said...

Congratulations on getting the grant and having a successful plant/book sale. In this economic climate, funding from grants must be harder to come by.

Hope the tomatoes sell well, too.