- Because Board President Maryelen Brown is leaving the Board at the end of her term on December 31 and because she will be unavailable for the scheduled December Board meeting, she tendered her resignation during the meeting. Dave Kruger, Board Vice-President, immediately moved up to President and completed chairing the meeting (although Maryelen stayed around and occasionally offered comments throughout).
- Nominations for the 2011 officers were presented, with elections to take place in January. Nominated were Dave Kruger for president, Sue Holland for vice-president, Kim Brennan as treasurer (with the understanding that she will resign that post when another candidate is chosen), Ardith Orr as deputy treasurer (in charge of capital accounts), and Daniela Pulice as recording and corresponding secretary.
- Two new Trustees were added to the Board, Kathy Kruger, who is well known to the Board both as a representative of Pleasant Valley Rotary and also as Dave's wife, and Julie Kessler, also well known to the Board since she was the longtime librarian at West Road School, now recently retired.
Although the Library budget is always available to the public, we decided to make it easier to obtain by having copies available at the desk.
Finally, let me urge you to visit the new Pleasant Valley Free Library Website. It is still at the same address and you can reach it by clicking on the underlined text in the preceding sentence.
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