Saturday, February 12, 2011

Support State Support for Libraries

The New York Library Association has declared March 1 this year's Library Advocacy Day.  The idea is that local constituents should converge on their representatives in state government that day, visiting the offices in Albany to encourage the legislature to protect funding for libraries.  I cannot think of a year when this is more necessary, given the budget problems facing the state and the general nationwide movement to reduce government aid instead of raising taxes.

Now there is a good argument to be made against raising taxes for New York State residents, who have one of the highest tax burdens of any state; but cutting library funding helps to reduce a basic service that is vitally important in poor economic times.  Even so, I suspect cuts will be made, so the Library Advocates who speak to their legislators may at best reduce the size of the cuts.  That is at least improvement.  One motto I always have liked is "Progress, not perfection."  So if you can go to Albany on March 1 to lend your voice, I encourage you to do so.  For the Pleasant Valley Free Library, our legislators are Assemblyman Marc Molinaro and Senator Steve Saland.  Both are lovely people, so a chance to talk to them about the library situation should not be a burden.  And let me remind you that they have helped our Library in the past--Sen. Saland made the roof that currently protects our building and holdings possible with a member item a few years ago, while Assemblyman Molinaro recently arranged for money that I believe was credited to the improvement of the walk along the side of the building near the driveway.

Here is how Mid-Hudson can help you participate:

To Register:

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