The Mid-Hudson Library System (MHLS) as a whole is experiencing continued and sustained growth, and the Pleasant Valley Free Library is part of the story. Compared to 2008, circulation in the MHLS libraries rose 6.5%, while for the same period Pleasant Valley saw growth of 5.6%. Similarly, over five years the MHLS circulation went up by 33% and Pleasant Valley saw a growth of 12%. Here are the statistics released by MHLS today:
The first half of 2009 saw a 12% increase in holds through the MHLS automated system compared to the same period of time in 2008.This mid-year statistic reveals that patrons are using our libraries at what seems like an ever-rising pace in our System. Holds grew by 15.8% between 2007 and 2008, an increase library patrons are on track to duplicate again in 2009. An analysis of the 2008 Annual Report data shows circulation growth in all areas:
2008 Statistics: 2007 compared to 2008
Total Circulation: up 6.5%
Holds: up 15.8%
Adult Books: up 6.8%
Children's Books: up 7.2%
Non-Print (all): up 5.9%
Check out the growth we've seen over the past 5 years:
Total Circulation: up 33%
Holds: up 320%
- Fiction: up 27%
- Non-fiction: 26.3%
- Non-print: 57.3%
- Books: 24.5%
- Non-print: 44.5%
These increases have significant impacts on our staff, budgets and system resources.
The most recent one-month comparison for Pleasant Valley showed a rise of 17% over the same month in 2008.
Many of the MHLS libraries have enlarged their buildings to deal with the increase in library use, including (a sampling) Beekman, Starr in Rhinebeck, Pine Plains (a whole new building), and of course Adriance. So far Pleasant Valley has not been able to enlarge to meet the new demands because we still lack the funds necessary to start building--you can contribute to the Building Fund via the Community Foundation at this Website, just make sure you indicate that the donation is for the Pleasant Valley Free Library Building Fund. As we watch our funds grow for building expansion, we also find that we need to spend capital funds to improve and repair the present Manse. Indeed, we have made substantial improvements in the past few years and more are in the works.
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