As currently planned, the concert will feature well-known folksinger Helen Avakian and her husband (also a folksinger) and possibly some additional acts. It is currently scheduled for November 7. There will be considerable publicity announcing the details as they become finalized. Donations by the attendees will go to support the Building Fund. This concert is expected to be the first of a series, all in support of the Building Fund.
The money that the Friends raised in the past year has been allocated to safety improvements for the Manse. Recently it was discovered that a flaw in the heating system had arisen since last winter. The Friends' funds will in part be used to correct that before the Library once again needs heat--I write this on a day that had a high of 88 so there is plenty of time for the repairs. Another problem, cracks in the foundation, was discovered this spring and has been fixed by Kirchhoff Construction. That bill will also be paid by the Friends when it arrives. The work was done at cost by Kirchhoff, so the bill needs to be prepared by hand. Originally the Friends also expected to pay for reconstructing the sidewalk on the driveway side of the Manse, but a member item from Marc Molinaro will cover that safety improvement.
Expect the Friends to have a terrific paperback sale during Pleasant Valley Days in September, as well as the sale of better donated books during the holiday season.
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