Notice the new logo that adorns the left-hand column of this blog. It replaces the interim logo that has been in that spot recently, which in turn had replaced the photo of the Manse that I used when the blog started. I think it is a great logo, designed by Steve Simoni (husband of trustee Beatrice Simoni) with considerable input from the Board, especially trustee Kathy Morris, who also served as liaison between the Board and the Simonis.
Notice that the very artistic tree has four main fruits, representing the main items in the Library's collection--books, CDs and DVDs, and audio materials, as well as the tool used by patrons and staff alike, the computer. At the size you are most likely to see the logo, it may not be apparent that the patron who is leaning upon the Library tree appears to have a pencil tucked behind his ear.
The logo appears in several slightly different forms. The green version that is shown here is labeled "BUILDING EXPANSION FUND." The green color is to indicated that this logo is part of our efforts to raise money for the much needed expansion of the Library facilities. The Library itself has a version of the logo that is colored blue. The Friends of the Pleasant Valley Library will use a logo that is labeled "FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY" and is colored purple.

Speaking of the Friends: They have just started a membership drive. They have become the first group at the Library to make use of the Newsletter list and design facilities to send a message to all on our email list, in this case the story of the Friends' 2009 activities and an appeal for patrons to join the Friends. If you do not now receive the emailed Newsletter or other Library announcements, please let Daniela (
or other members of the Library staff add you to the list.
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