If we have your email address, we now use a sophisticated system to send you an email newsletter each month, designed and assembled by Trustee Kathy Morris and Director Daniela Pulice. The same system can be used for sending out individual notices of coming events. The colorful, one-page announcements are called "blasts."
If you are on the email list, you just got the latest blast, announcing the details on the all-you-can-eat breakfast at Chile's. For $5 per person--all proceeds going to the Building Expansion Fund--you get pancakes, bacon, sausages, and drinks. The event is from 8 to 10 on December 5, this coming Saturday. Tickets are available at the library.
The food and location are both donated by Chile's, the restaurant on Route 9 across from the Galleria. Join your fellow patrons, have a great time, and support the Building Expansion.
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