Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Library Budgets in Bad Trouble

An economic downturn is the worst time to cut library funding since libraries provide both the facilities people need to find better jobs, to improve their chances of getting a job, and even free entertainment for the down time of unemployment. Despite this, the Country is on the verge of taking all funding from the Mid-Hudson Libraries, which would impact the Pleasant Valley Free Library by removing $9,000 from budgeted income, a significant amount that can only lead to reduction of services. Furthermore, the State is also cutting funding--see the article below from the Mid-Hudson MLHS Bulletin.

In an unprecedented chain of events the New York State Legislature approved a plan to cut libraries for a fourth time in 20 months, at a level deeper than the Governor had proposed. In previous years the legislature has fought against cuts to libraries proposed by this Governor and past Governors, either reducing a cut or eliminating it all together, but not this time.

Legislators have cut libraries by 12.5%, an additional 2.5% deeper than Governor Paterson proposed. This most recent round of cuts brings Library Aid down to 1998 levels and results in a ~$40,000 cut to MHLS in the last month of our fiscal year.

"The New York Library Association (NYLA) is outraged that the Legislature would actually agree to cut funding for libraries above what the Governor originally proposed in his Deficit Reduction Plan (DRP)," stated Michael J. Borges, NYLA Executive Director, "Despite record increases in library usage, especially among the unemployed using library resources to look for jobs or research new careers, the Legislature has ignored our role in providing educational services and critical information to people of all ages," continued Mr. Borges.

What does this mean to your library and the System? It means that our area legislators did not fight for us. It means that your patrons need to know that and should be as upset as the library community is over this treatment. Patrons need to take action now and continue to do so into next year when libraries will undoubtedly face more cuts. Here's what you and your patrons can do right now to make a difference:
- Call or visit your NYS Senator and Assemblyperson in their local office. Contact information for all MHLS area legislators is available on the MHLS homepage: http://midhudson.org/
- Become aware of the New Yorkers for Better Libraries Political Action Committee (NYLIBS-PAC): "The New Yorkers for Better Libraries Political Action Committee was established in 2003 by library leaders who believe that there is a need to supplement the library

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