Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Annual $14 Million Dilemma

This year once again the Mid-Hudson Library System (MHLS) is asking if any libraries will be applying for part of the NYS $14M in construction funds.  The project should be for energy or handicapped accessibility and the library MUST have 100% of the funds necessary for the project should NYS go belly up in the middle of it.  Then, if we qualify, they will give us 25% of the project cost.  We need to submit an application by April 16th and have grant details and bank balance showing funds available, including bid documents, by July 3rd. 

Note that seven Mid-Hudson Libraries got such grants this year, for a total of $521,041.  Grants ranged from $7,800 for making the entrance to Rhinecliff Library handicapped accessible to $90,000 for completed renovations on Adriance.

We have some minor energy needs that were uncovered in an energy audit a couple of years ago. For about $5,000 we could insulate the attic and walls, for example. We for the most part have done the most expensive energy fix, which was new windows, helped by a different NYS grant. There is about $2,500 in electrical upgrades that would improve energy efficiency.  Conceivably we could get new estimates and end up with about $10,000 in energy upgrades, for which we would be reimbursed if successful $2,500, while the Library would have to lay out $7,500.

Several NYS Grants in the MHLS region last year were to improve handicapped access, although that was always combined with another form of renovation or upgrade. Our Library has several handicapped access needs that could be resolved.  Perhaps the simplest would be to replace the door on the parking-lot side with a handicapped-accessible one, although that would also require us to move the book drop to a new, external location.  A second improvement would be to make the ramp to that door meet specifications for width and incline.  That improvement might also entail removing the metal fire escape, which under present-day rules would be illegal to use in case of fire (we could sell it for scrap). A more serious problem is access to the second-floor children's area and the meeting room, which would require some kind of elevator to resolve.  Other problems may be beyond repair without major changes in the interior of the library.  The toilet is far from handicapped-accessible.  Even the stacks do not meet Americans with Disability Act (ADA) standards. 

If we could find the money in our tight budget of this year to pay our 3/4 of the cost, we might apply for a share of the NYS $14 million. It would appear to me that we could not make a major commitment this year, but perhaps I am being pessimistic.  One significant Foundation grant might even make a stand-alone elevator possible. The ideas will be discussed in the fundraising and building committees, but you are encouraged to use the comment section of this blog to add your own ideas as to what we should do.

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